
My journey


“I believe connection is the medicine our society needs. Service and yoga bridge the connection between and among communities.” - Molly

Hi there!

I have recently resettled in the US after more than a decade of international travel, humanitarian service, and yogic exploration. I had been traveling around the world for seven years when the suffering of the Middle East landed on my doorstep, ultimately taking the life of one of my closest friends. 

Through the trauma, pain and grief, a deeply rooted desire to bring the healing tools of yoga to those impacted by war and violence as well as those serving them was brought to life. I spent the next nine months studying yoga and meditation at Hridaya Hatha Yoga in Mexico while working on my own healing before going out into the world of service.

Within a week of the 500 hour teacher training program finishing in Mexico, I found myself on the shores of the Greek island of Lesvos, where refugees were arriving in overfilled rubber dinghies from Turkey. We spent the next cold winter months helping the dinghies arrive safely which transpired into a five year journey of developing sustainable projects in Greece, Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq. 

These short months changed everything and we quickly learned this had turned into a life path rather than a one time service trip. While I continue my efforts remotely - directing the Yoga Mandala Project (more about this on my Inspired Action Page) - I am also now at home laying roots in Northern Arizona while co-creating an off-grid retreat center immersed in the high desert mountains through Mystic Arizona Escapes.

humanitarian. Yoga teacher. retreat center creator. non-profit leader. nature lover. mom. forever student.

So, as you may notice, I have a quite a few passions that fuze together with love and a heart-felt desire to make the world a better place. Check back soon for more details on our recently launched passion project - Mystic Arizona Escapes!

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We are SO excited by launching our new passion project, Mystic Arizona Escapes!

Supported & co-curated nature experiences across Northern Arizona. We welcome you at our Eco-Ranch or love setting up at your favorite campsite, backyard for intimate parties or even music festival!

************ MOLLY****

Reach out to learn more about how I can support your journey.

The yoga practice and ancient philosophy has had such a positive impact on my own mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health that I now passionate about empowering those around me with these self-regulation tools.

I also believe we are enough just the way we are. We are immersed in a culture of doing which doesn’t honor the value of rest. You are worthy of rest. You are worthy of healing and the power lies within you.

Learn more about how we can work together. ↓